1. Ordinary meetings of Council will be held in association with Asian Congresses. All other meetings shall be designated extraordinary.
  2. At each ordinary meeting the Council shall:
    • receive a report from the President concerning the activities of the Asian AVA since the last meeting.
    • receive a statement of the accounts from the Secretary-general for adoption.
    • receive offers to host the next Asian Congress, select a host from among the offers and decide the date of the Congress.
    • receive from Member Associations the designation for membership of the Council.
    • determine the budget for the ensuing period between Congress.
    • consider other matters which may seem appropriate.
  3. The Council may be summoned to an extraordinary meeting by decision of the Executive Board or by the request of one third of the Council Members.
  4. A postal vote may be used by the Council to decide on issues, at the request of the Executive Board or of one third of its Members. The issue that requires decision should be distributed among Members, who will have 60 days to send their vote.
  5. The presence of at least one half of the Council Members is necessary for taking valid decisions.
  6. The decisions of the Council shall be adopted by simple majority vote of the Members present.
  7. The President of Asian AVA shall preside over the meeting of the Council, voting only in case of a tie.
  8. The Secretary-general and the Treasurer of Asian AVA shall act as secretary and treasurer, respectively, of the meeting of the Council, but shall not have the right to vote.


  1. The President and some Vice-Presidents (as voting members), and the Secretary-general, the Treasurer and the Auditor (past-President) (as a non-voting members) shall act as an Executive Board to guide and, where desirable, provide leadership for the Secretary-general in pursuing the business of the Asian AVA between ordinary meetings of the Council.
  2. Between the ordinary meetings of the Council, the Executive Board shall consider business matters raised by or brought to the notice of the Secretary-general.
  3. On the 1st of March and on the 1st of September of each year, each Member Association shall provide the Secretary-general with a list of the current office bearers of the Association and list of the regional meetings proposed within the next 12 months.
  4. The Executive Board shall be summoned to a meeting by the Secretary-general, and the agenda should be distributed not later than 6 weeks before the scheduled meeting.
  5. Any member of the Executive Board with the right to vote may request through the Secretary-general an extraordinary meeting or a postal vote to consider any issue of substance. The extraordinary meeting should be approved by a majority of the members of the Executive Board.
  6. The President of Asian AVA shall preside at the meetings of the Executive Board and, in case of a tie, shall have a double vote.


  1. The duties of the Secretary-general shall be to execute the decisions of the Council and of the Executive Board, to act on behalf of the President, and to fulfill relevant tasks.
  2. The Secretary-general shall:
    • arrange, upon MembersÕ request, contacts between Members concerning scientific or any other matters contributing to the realization of the objects of Asian AVA.
    • prepare each report for Council and Executive Board meetings.
    • remind members of the proposed Council meeting 6 months before the date of that meeting and ask them for items they wish to place on the Agenda. Circulate any proposed amendments to the Statute 3 months before the Council meeting and circulate the proposed Agenda and annotations on the Agenda items 6 weeks prior to the meeting.
    • prepare minutes of Council and Executive Board meetings, prepare circulars and news items for Member Associations or Societies.


The Treasurer shall receive the additional fees from Members, keep the AssociationÕs accounts, arrange for audit of the accounts annually, and keep bank account in the name of the Association in which the its funds are to be placed.


The Council, on the advice of the Executive Board, is responsible for selection of the location of Congresses.